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不只我、還有我老公與五歲的大兒子想一起再跟小齊說聲謝謝這50天來的照顧! #讓產婦無後顧之憂,專心休息康復 我是旅居國外,與丈夫一起創業,平常工作時間從早上九點到晚上九點的職業婦女。在42歲這年剖腹產,我知道我極需要好好休息確保身體康復無虞,以後才有健康的身體照顧家庭與公司,因此再度使用愛月嫂服務。小齊這段期間內的協助全家三餐、準備藥膳茶湯、照料新生兒、提供哺乳建議、教導我新生兒照護事項等等,都讓我不需操煩這些龐雜待辦事項,只需要好好休養。 小齊的個性開朗正面,我們一家跟她相處愉快。讓產婦與家人生理與心理都放鬆,非常感激。 #健康美味的豐富菜色之外,更凝聚家人感情 小齊準備的中式餐點滿足了康復需求也滿足我想家的心情。在不靠海以及華人少的捷克,食材不像其他國家多元,但小齊還是變化出多種菜色,讓我的老公小孩都讚不絕口。 不但菜色豐富美味,更重要的是,全家人每天六點半坐在一起吃飯,變成我們最喜愛也期待的時刻。這幾年因為工作忙碌,我們幾乎天天叫外賣,各吃各的。這50天的晚餐時刻讓家人感情更好,我跟老公兩人都互相提醒一定要盡量保持下去。 我們一家人都很開心使用愛月嫂服務,更開心遇見了小齊。再次說聲謝謝小齊的照顧!
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Jocelyn is a professional confinement lady, she is kind, loving and supportive with a great sense of responsibility. She is hardworking and tries her best to deliver the best care to my baby and I. She is a good listener who would care about your feelings, make postnatal care plan that is effective yet flexible, she was there for me in this important confinement journey and made me feel very comfortable and worry free in the whole time. My baby arrived early and she arrived a few day after my delivery. I had a few sleepless nights in the hospital with a unfed unsettled baby. After a week of tiring experience in the hospital, I was looking forward to the arrival of my confinement lady. The day she arrived, everything changed. In a few days, my baby become very settled and well fed, and I felt well rested and relieved. She seamlessly tailored the confinement care around my needs and personal preferences. She worked hard to make sure that my baby and I were well looked after. We settled back home right away. In a few days, I changed from a tired nervous mom to a calm well rested mum, with a happy settled baby. From previous experience of my elder kid, I was very nervous about breastfeeding. She listens to my concerns and provide reassurance that I will be fine. She scheduled the feeding so that my baby gets the most feeds and I got a good rest. With the combination of good food, good rest and confidence, I was produced sufficient milk and breastfeed successfully. My baby is 5 months old now and I’m still doing it with no trouble. As a mature mum with medical background, I have high standard about our quality of care and health. I came up with so many questions from time to time, e.g. why this? Why that? Is this better or that? Is this true or a myth? …… She is so knowledgeable about postnatal and baby care, whatever the questions, she would patiently explain them to me what’s right or wrong, she selflessly shared her knowledge with me and discuss with me for areas that I concerned about. She is also very knowledgeable in these post-natal care and baby but yet remain flexible in our confinement care plan and style of confinement. While my confinement style is more western style modern and easy going, my parents are traditional Chinese with a more rigid regimen and straight approach. She listens to both sides and were able to deliver care plan that suits all of us. Jocelyn is also a very good cook. She made tasty and healthy confinement meals for me and the whole family. The delicious natural home cooking, healthy desserts and daily soups and drinks that promotes my recovery and boost milk production. I was amazed that healthy food can be so easy and satisfying. As a food lover family, we have all love eating out. But when Jocelyn was there, we eat at home most the time because we just loved her cooking. There are so many good memories of this journey. I can still remember the jokes that she told me to cheer me up when I have my emotional moments, or the little fun things that she shares when I felt like confinement is so long and boring. I can still remember the laughter she brought to my elder daughter when I was worried that she felt neglected and lonely. I can still remember the wonderful Xmas dinner we had together. Of course I can still remembered that tears that the whole family had when we dropped her to the airport. From her tender love and care, my baby is already 5 months old. My confinement went like a breeze and I felt like I was well cared for, pampered and loved like a queen. Her diligence and professionalism resulted in my speedy recovery and good start in motherhood. I couldn’t recommend more of her to any mums to be who wants the same. 非常感恩找到了小齊這麼好的月嫂幫我坐月子,陪我輕鬆的度過坐月子的每一個難關。感謝小齊讓我有一個美好的坐月子體驗,讓我有好的身體,有信心,有一個很好的開始。 小齊是一個非常專業的月嫂。他有豐富的產後護理的知識,為我度身訂造適合的調理作息安排,讓我在坐月子的黃金時期,有好好的休息,好好的復原,身體比沒懷孕之前更好。 為寶寶健康,我們選擇了餵母乳。餵母乳期間的漲奶,塞奶和其他的問題,他都幫我一一解決。我的傷口也愈合得的很好,很快就不痛了。我的體力和精神也恢復的很好,生活很快就回復正常了。 小齊帶寶寶也非常專業,有豐富的育兒經驗,我在照顧寶寶這一塊特別注重,想要知道的特別多,我的問題她都一一解答。她會很有耐心的解釋每一個育兒的過程和原因,讓我們感覺非常的安心。 她人很開郎,有愛心,是一個很好的保母。寶寶在他照顧之下吃好睡好,沒一個月就變成了開心的胖寶寶了。 另外,小齊煮的菜非常好吃,他煮的月子餐我們一家大小,非常愛吃。他會用簡單的,可買到的食材(我們在外國,不是每一樣食材都買得到),煑營養豐富和色香味 俱全的三餐,連我們家最愛在外面吃的爸爸都每天留在家裡吃飯。還有健康的甜品小吃和每天度身訂造的茶飲跟湯水,幫助我盡快復原原氣和增加奶量。 回顧這一次坐月子的歷程,充滿了很多美好的回憶。我還記得在我坐月子在家裡呆悶了或者情緒化的時候小齊說的笑話分享一些開心的事情。我還記得他跟我大女兒玩在一塊的歡笑聲。我還記得一起過了一個快樂的聖誕節。當然我還記得在機場送小齊回國的時候掉下非常不捨,非常感恩的眼淚。 謝謝小齊的照顧,我可以輕鬆地順利地過了坐月子這個大關,快半歲的寶寶也很健康。非常感恩可以遇到這麼好的月嫂,他的辛勞和專業讓我們得到了最好的照顧,讓我在當媽媽的路「贏在起跑線」。我非常推薦小齊給任何想要做好月子,有個好開始的準媽媽。
一個月的時間很快, 謝謝你每天準備的食物!
小齊真心關懷產婦和寶寶, 個性開朗易相處,做的飯菜營養,清淡又好吃。推薦
小齐姐人超好,性格开朗,很有耐心。 工作很用心,饭菜做的超赞,二宝被照顾的很好,对大宝也很关照。 感谢月子里有你陪伴,为我们冬日的伦敦带来了阳光和欢乐!
對於產婦與新生兒的需求 ,能積極主動的給予建議與幫助 ,這一點非常感謝 。
對於產婦與新生兒的需求 ,能積極主動的給予建議和幫助 ,這一點非常感謝小齊月嫂 。
非常的專業, 學到很多育兒知識, 讓新手媽媽能安心又放心
【* 此為超人氣月嫂,很難訂!】